Our Mission:
It is clear that our community needs no-cost or truly affordable spay and neuter to prevent dog and cat animal overpopulation humanely.
In 2007 Hui Pono Holoholona began because there had to be a better solution than the high euthanasia of dogs and cats at the humane society. The intake was over 13,000 animals and 10,000 were euthanize.
Change is needed to save our island animals and the only proven solution is free or low cost spay and neuter.
Our organizations and others sponsoring Spay/neuter shows its working. In 2019 at the same humane society the EUTHANASIA count is down to 5,500. Still, we are still in a crisis when these numbers are still unacceptable. No healthy animals should be put down because it doesnt have a home.
THis is not to fault the island humane society. this is everyones responsibility to take ownership and get involved to be pet responsible by having your pets spay and neutered.
Can’t afford no excuse, reach out to us, or other organizations offering free spay/neuter. For your pets, strays, rescues, and new adoptions. For Trap-Neuter-Return-Maintain of cat colonies become their caregivers.
Hui Pono Holoholona is aloha. The heart of HPH will integrate a response to this situation with programs to connect humans and animals for purposes of educating the general pubic on the need to humanely stop animal overpopulation through animal sterilization, furthering additional education on proper animal care, the importance of responsible companionship, and ownership through kindness, Patience and respect.
HPH supports those that are feeding and caring for cat colonies on a case-by-case basis by getting their cat populations sterilized.
Animal overpopulation leads to Animal abuse, animal cruelity, and abandonment. Its also the learning ground of cruelty leading to the first strike to Humans, our elders, woman and children.
Fundraising, grants, donations of monies, time and food are an integral part of the success of Hui Pono Holoholona. With the growth of membership and the increase of financial support, we can do all that is needed to achieve a better and kinder society for the animals and our island people.
Please help us continue our good work with your donations. P.O.BOX 943, Mt.View,Hi 9677. Mahalo Nui Loa.