HPH- (Punahele) Newsletter
June 2008.
Aloha Everyone
1. J Here Ye, Here Ye J our newsletter has a name - PUNAHELE NEWSLETTER.
Punahele means favorite or a pet. All animals: horses, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, fish, etc., whether in the wild, domestic abandon, strays, lost, or feral. All animals deserve our respect, kindness, consideration, and humane care and treatment. And, at times to be treated as special - Punahele seems very appropriate.
2. July 4th – Volcano. 0815 to help set up the booth/table. 0845 we need people who want to be in the parade to meet at the Post Office. Bring your cell phone. Vivian is the p.o.c. her # 345-2753.
Plus, Laurie Lannan owner of Tasha Ohana Animal Sanctuary with her volunteers will be walking dogs that need adoption and possibly a punahele pig as well.
3. Mark your calendar for our Wal-Mart dates – July 20, Aug 3, Sept 7, Oct 5 from 0900 –200pm. All Sundays. We need at least 2 people at the tables, and if you can just give us an hour or two to help relieve one of us would be greatly appreciated. Great opportunity to meet other animal loving people that want to make a positive difference as well.
4. Mark your calendar for HPH Yard Sale(s) - July 26, and August 23. Where? Keaau Village Market Place. From 0800 – 2:00 pm. Right across from the Keaau Ace Hardware. This is the best time for spring cleaning, are you tired of dusting those knick –knacks items –donate to our yard sale including those kitchen items of pots and pans, utensils, etc., wall pictures, frames, what ever – you got it, we will sell it. All monies pays for these dog and cats spay & neuters.
5. Welcome to Eagles, they believe in TNRM (Trap, neuter, return, manage), we are helping in getting their cat colonies sterilized.
7. I have the HIHS numbers and if you would like a copy please send me a self address stamped envelope to Frannie Pueo, P.O. Box 943, Mt. View, Hi 96771. Now if you ever wondered how important your support/work is, here are some figures.
HIHS 2005 – Intake 14,633, Redeem 1,043, Adopt 2,161, Animals Euthanized 11,351
In June 05, just one months figures at Keaau: 238 dogs, and 550 cats were euthanized.
In June 05, just one months figures at Kona: 77 dogs, and 204 cats were euthanized.
In June 05, just one months figures at Waimea: 38 dogs, and 32 cats were euthanized.
HIHS 2006 – Intake 13,975, Redeem 1,984, Adopt 2,145, Animals Euthanized 9,728
In June 06, just one months figures at Keaau: 212 dogs, and 444 cats were euthanized.
In June 06, just one months figures at Kona: 78 dogs, and 183 cats were euthanized.
*In June 06, just one months figures at Waimea: 78 dogs, and 183 cats were euthanized.
{?Please note the same figures are listed on this report as same for Kona and Waimea).
HIHS 2007 – Intake 14,600, Redeem 974, Adopt 2,587, Animals Euthanized 10,922
In June 07, just one months figures at Keaau: 201 dogs, and 406 cats were euthanized.
In June 07, just one months figures at Kona: 64 dogs, and 288 cats were euthanized.
In June 07, just one months figures at Waimea: 55 dogs, and 78 cats were euthanized.
Just a note on the figures for 2006. As many of you know and helped with our petition for no cost and truly affordable spay and neuter petition that was circulated island wide. From that, over 5,000 people signed, resulting in Mayor Kim and County Council Bob Jacobson listening giving each $25,000 from there contingence fund to HIHS spay and neuter budget. (Increasing it from $50,000 to $100,000.)
Remarkable, I found that many people did not know about the HIHS discounted coupons, and others were waiting for a notice to be put in the paper which HIHS "used to do". All of us that worked in getting the word out, (AdvoCats, Arch, individual animal caring people, really made the difference for the animals. We got out there and talked story on the importance of spay/neuter, we got the word out about these discounted coupons.
It was because of that, that the euthanasia figure dropped to 9,728. The saying is if you make it available people will come, and it proved so. In Feb of 2006, at the Keaau facility, people were waiting in lines before HIHS opened. All of the discounted coupons allotted for February sold out, and days later people were still being turned away. It had become a common site at this facility in the months to come, that is, until HIHS raised their discounted coupon fees, and from that, two veterinarian clinics then raised their spay/neuter charges based on HIHS increase.
I will never understand how a company that is getting a contract worth millions, winds up killing most of its customers.
Never give up, its too important and the animals need us. How can you help? Come to our events at Wal-Mart, at the yard sales, and to our meetings held every 2nd Sunday of the month at the Keaau Village Market Place at 1000 am.
So hope to be seeing you this July 13, 1000am, at the Keaau Village Market Place/ HPH General Meeting J .
Always with Aloha,
July/August 2008
Pretty important—they help pay for the cost of Spay/Neuter, and other medical costs such as heat/pregnancy, combo testing, antibiotics, etc.
For the month of June 2008, expenses HPH paid for were: 12 spays (females) and 7 neuters (males) for a total of 19 cats. Cost $1,158.38. For the month of July 2008, expenses HPH paid for were: 11 spays (females) and 4 neuters (males) for a total of 14 cats/1dog. Cost $1,029.72. In 2 months, we did 33 felines, and 1 dog, which equals approximately 13,860,000 unwanted feline offspring and 78,167 unwanted canine offspring prevented humanely.
HPH wants to do more, but lack of funds is the determining factor. HPH this month is writing for grant monies; in the meantime, this is how you can help:
· For our yard sales – please donate your good items. Knickknacks, pots/pans, pictures, and old jewelry are good sellers, or any other items you feel we could sell.
·Recycle your HI-5s (glass/plastic bottles) at any of the recycle centers and ask to donate that money to HPH as we are registered as a 501(c)(3) and on their list of recipients. In July 2008, HPH received $23.68 from your recycles. Every time you dedicate your recycles to HPH, you are helping the animals.
In the month of September, purchase your food items at Sack N Save to participate in Give Aloha, Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program. Details are on the website.
We now have a “stories” section on the HPH web site and want pet or animal stories that you would like to share
.For example, in a cat colony in Puna is a calico cat that showed her special courage, dedication, care and love forher kittens by crossing a busy roadway to a feed station 200 feet away and bringing them back mouthfuls of food. She’d put the food in front of them and repeated this several times.
Tales like this just touch the heart. Your story does not have to be similar to this one. Animals are like us, each has their own special personality that touches us in many ways, even when their seemingly effortless ways make us feel like a million bucks. So, send your stories about your companion animals, or any animal that you feel is special, by email to our webmistress or postage to Frannie. If possible, include a picture of this “Punahele” with your name and phone number.
In September Sandi is making available a free spay/neuter feline clinic being heldhere in Puna. Volunteers are wanted. It is with hopes in the future that HPH will be sponsoring free/spay clinics as well. More information on this will be coming ASAP.
It was exciting to see the enthusiasm for ideas discussed at our 10 August HPH meeting.
Our new member, Sydney, has started a My Space page for HPH. There will be a link from the website.
Vivian has ordered more donation boxes, which will be arriving in October.
Vivian has entered HPH in the Sack N Save Give Aloha Program. How this works: During September, customers will be invited to make donations to their favorite Hawai’i charities at checkout and Foodland will match a portion of every donation. More information is on the HPH website. I am asking all of you for the month of September to make(as much as possible) your food purchases at Sack N Save and donate to HPH account (code # is 78463). It’s awin-win for the animals!
Spaying your female cat at an early age not only prevents unwanted pregnancies, but also helps minimize the risk of mammary (breast) cancer. Spaying your cat also prevents pyometra, a serious infection of the uterus. "Spayed" means the cat has had her ovaries and uterus removed.
Neutering your male cat protects him from testicular cancer and prostate problems. In addition to eliminating unwanted sexual behavior and conception, neutering also helps prevent aggressive or objectionable behaviors, such as fighting and marking (urine spraying). "Neutered" means the cat has had his testicles removed.
Have you ever wondered how old your felines are in comparison to your age? This might help answer that question, from Cat Fancy March 2003 Magazine.
Cat/Human Age Analogy Chart
Cat = Human Cat = Human Cat = Human Cat = Human
1-------------15 8-------------48 15-----------76 22----------104
2-------------24 9-------------52 16-----------80 23----------108
3-------------28 10------------56 17-----------84 24----------112
4-------------32 11------------60 18-----------88 25----------116
5-------------36 12------------64 19-----------92
6-------------40 13------------68 20-----------96
7-------------44 14------------72 21-----------100
JUDY BIRD HAS OFFERED HER BACK ISSUES of Catnip, Cat Fancy and Cat Watch to anyone interested. Copies of Catnip are available at HPH meetings, which are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at Keaau Village Market Place.
A special thanks to Annette Green for her donation of a Catnip newsletter subscription to HPH. All copies are available at our membership meetings held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Keaau Village Market Place. You are more than welcome to borrow.
Her thoughtful gift saved my cat’s life. My cat’s hyperactive behavior and voracious appetite did not match up to her drastic weight loss to skin and bones. Numerous visits to her veterinarian were costly and without a diagnosis. That is, until I read the article in Catnip about thyroid disease in elder cats. With the appropriate thyroid blood test, she is now on proper medication. (FYI – 0.5-5.8 is normal, her result was 21.4 H).
This little one was rescued from the Kea’au Transfer Station where she had been dumped. Who would do such a thing? She’s sweet and friendly and just wants a lap of her own to snuggle in. How could you resist those big blue eyes?
This pretty kitty was rescued and found to have a microchip. Unfortunately, the Hawai’i Island Humane Society, which inserted the chip, has “misplaced” this Kitty’s records so it is impossible to trace the owner. If you have any information or want to give Blueyes a home, please contact 968-8279.
Orange and black cat
Limp and warm, mostly sleeping
All except that tail
The next HPH membership meeting on September 14th will focus on how to use various cat traps. We have received many requests asking to be shown how to use the traps but time and gas prices prevent travel for individual instruction. So, if you have questions or concerns, please make it a point to attend the September meeting and learn about the various cat traps and how they work. That is September 14th, 10 a.m. at the Kea’au Village Market.
Also, because so many people are asking to borrow HPH traps, we are running short and are asking for donations to purchase at least three more — please help if you can. If you have a trap that you rarely or never use, consider donating it, we can put it to good use. Mahalo.
FERN ACRES SUBDIVISION IS MAKING A STATEMENT about stopping animal abuse via this sign at the entrance of the subdivision. Bravo!!! Let’s hope other subdivisions do the same and take a stand against animal abuse.
The pictures of the cat and dog on the HPH logo will take on their own names and personalities. Voting at the last membership meeting favored naming the dog “Hui” and the cat “Pono.”
Kid-friendly cartoon versions of each are in the works, including puppets in their image. The purpose is to educate the public, particularly for the children, to understand the importance of kind and responsible pet care. The caricatures of Hui and Pono will help reinforce this goal.
Special thanks to Ms. Judith Frostega of East Hawaii Culture Center and Mr. Walczuk in their ongoing joint effort on this mission. More information on this project will follow in our next Punahele Newsletter
Hui Pono Holoholona
More Archives
Volume 1, Issue 2
September 2008
In this issue:
HPH members Colleen Egbert and Satu Paulsen worked with Eagle membersNancy and Richard Robbins to TNR several of the abandoned cats at theEagle's in Keaau. Three of the cats have been taken in by Nancy, and sheis close to finding a home for a another cat. HPH became involved inMay when Satu attended a HPH meeting and brought our HPH literature to the Eagles, and they in turn sent a $50 donation to HPH. Other members of the Eagles, however, preferred to trap a couple of cats and took themto the Humane Society. At present, there are a couple of nursing cats, some kittens, and one young male to be treated and returned or adopted.
Don't Throw Away That Empty Cartridge
State of Hawai'i Act 114, Session Laws 2007, created the offense of cruelty to animals in the first degree, making it a felony to intentionally or knowingly torture, mutilate, or poison or cause the torture, mutilation, or poisoning of any pet animal resulting in serious bodily injury or death of the pet animal. The legislature found that violence, whether against humans or animals, must be not tolerated in our society. Evidence suggests a link between animal abuse and the commission of violent acts against humans. Hawai'i was only one of nine states in the United States without a felony offense for domestic animal abuse. The legislature also found that pet animals provide a close emotional bond and relationship with their owners and family members and friends. Violence and harm committed against the animals have a significant emotional impact on their owners and family. The felony provisions of Act 114 protect pet animals.
It’s been a year since animal cruelty became a felony in the State of Hawai‘i. Under this law, cruelty in the first degree occurs when a person tortures, mutilates or poisons a pet, causing serious bodily injury or death. Pets are defined as dogs, cats, domesticated rabbits, guinea pigs, domesticated pigs and caged birds that are not bred for consumption. This Class C felony of cruelty to animals in the first degree is punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and imprisonment of up to five years. The measure also renames the existing misdemeanor provisions as cruelty in the second degree, which is punishable by a maximum of a $2,000 fine and a year in jail. Cruelty in the second degree applies to “every living creature except a human being.” It includes torturing, tormenting, beating, starving, overloading or intentionally driving over an animal.
HPH has launched a fundraising project with the help of an inkjet recycling company, Empties4Cash. Empty inkjet cartridges can be recycled and remanufactured. HPH will receive up to $4.00 for each cartridge turned in. This will directly benefit HPH and the animals, not to mention it is great for the environment.
You can help! Any inkjet cartridge with a print head can be recycled, regardless of brand or type. Do you have an HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Compaq, Brother, Dell, Canon or Apple printer? Bring in your empty OEM inkjet cartridges (placed in the original box that you would have thrown away to keep it safe from spills and damages, or a Ziploc bag) to membership meetings, yard sales or Wal-Mart Sundays. (Note: Epson cartridges cannot be recycled as they don't have a print head.)
Empty Cartridges
On The Loose
CATober The First
Port Washington, New York’s North Shore Animal League America declares 'CATober The First' as 'purr-fect' occasion to recognize felines' legacy. For the pet experts who lovingly tend to cats and kittens waiting to be adopted at North Shore Animal League America, among the most frequently asked question is "How old is that cat?" Most rescuers can determine the approximate age of a feline, in years, but for the majority, their actual birth dates remain unknown. To give these beautiful animals their much deserved recognition, the Animal League will declare the first day of the tenth month of 2008, October 1st, as CATober The First, a universal birthday for shelter and rescue cats everywhere.
According to a recent survey, we live in a nation where cats, numbering 82 million strong, are the most popular household pet, outranking dogs, birds and rabbits. Many owners are known to select random dates to celebrate their adopted kitty's birthday. They opt for a significant occasion, a family member's birthday, or a holiday that reflects the pet's personality, or in many cases, the date on which the cat was adopted. Now, owners can designate a celebratory date with the unveiling of CATober the First.
To help with the celebration, North Shore Animal League America is inviting cat lovers nationwide to actively participate in the CATober The First festivities by expressing their birthday wishes to their own beloved furry companions, or even a family member or a neighbor's rescued cat with a specially designed Happy CATober The First e-card greeting. The greetings, with three colorful designs to choose from, can be sent from the Animal League's website,www.AnimalLeague.org, starting Monday, September 22, 2008.
Just a few days left to donate to HPH through the Sack N Save Give Aloha program. As of September 17th, $40 has been donated to HPH. We can do better than that. Take yourMaika’i card and go shopping. Remember, Foodland and Western Union will match a portion of each donation throughout the month of September.
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." Mother Teresa
Such a fancy dog
Black on white, dots and splotches
Always dressed for town
Studies have indicated that having your female dog spayed before she matures can significantly reduce the risk of mammary gland cancer. This also eliminates her chance of uterine infections. "Spayed" means the dog has had her ovaries and uterus removed.
Neutering your male dog prevents testicular cancer and can prevent dog health problems of the prostate. This also can help reduce some behavioral problems. "Neutered" means the dog has had his testicles removed.
If possible, for optimal preventive dog health care, both procedures should be performed by six months of age.
ASPCA 24-hour
This puppy was very sick, stunned and abandoned at the Kea'au Recycle area, less than a 100 feet away from Kea'au HIHS. Puppy could not understand what horrible thing it could have done to deserve to be thrown away like garbage ('opala).
The good news is, that it was rescued by an everyday ordinary person, who is the Hero of this lucky puppy. After a Vet visit, as you can see, it's pretty happy to be given a 2nd chance.
P.O. Box 943
Mountain View, HI 96771
Kindness is Contagious
Open to comments is our new Representative of "HUI" the dog, courtesy of local artist Makana, also known as Mr. Brian Revell. Hui's name will be placed where the shirt paws are. We are in the process of developing personalities and caricatures for Hui the dog, and Pono the cat. Caricature of Pono will be in the next Punahele.
Hui Pono Holoholona
Volume 1, Issue 3
October 2008
In this issue:
Highlights of September 14 Membership Meeting
Class C Felony-Animal Abuse Banner — Fern Acres Subdivision (pictured in July/August newsletter). Judy & Colleen will pursue having similar banners in their subdivisions.
Sack N Save — support free animal Spay/Neuter by donating to our 501(c), via Sack N Save grocery store for the month of September.
Judy — HPH needs to make a list of potential investor companies like Morris & Millions to help support our mission, including reaching out into the community to teach better pet care.
Further discussion — How do we get the word out about HPH? How do we educate people?
Judy B. suggested a banner with the saying, “It’s no Paradise for us !!! We are the unwanted – Please help us.” Judy’s suggestion is right on target. We will purchase a banner to fly at various locations.
Bumper stickers also suggested with HPH logo/information, further cost research needed.
Satu — Heartland trap is not reliable as the front latch spring does not always lock shut and the cats just push on the trap door and escape. See photo.
Satu has 2 Siamese looking feline siblings that need a good home. They have been S/N, and tested. Please call her at 966-9682.
Our talented artist: Mr. Brian Revell is helping us with the caricatures to represent Hui (the dog) and Pono (the cat). The drawings will be used to help kids associate better care for their pets. Possible puppets in their likeness are forthcoming.
PayPal is coming to HPH. Direct donations can be made and eventually purchase of T-Shirts, etc.
Special thanks to Wal-Mart’s Shawna Melendez, Pet Food Department Manager: Much needed dog food went directly to Tasha ‘Ohana Sanctuary.
Special Note — Tasha ‘Ohana Sanctuary is in need of materials, donations of kennels, pet beds, traps, etc., including dog and cat food. Building supplies too. Money donations always appreciated.
ASPCA 24-hour
First East Side Spay/Neuter Clinic by Sandi Alstrand
On Sunday, September 28, a dream I have had for a few years was realized. We successfully managed a Spay/Neuter clinic on the East side of the island! With the help of many friends and cat lovers, we were able to spay and neuter 15 cats.
I had a lot of encouragement from other like-minded animal advocates and after gaining experience from a few AdvoCATS clinics, I knew that I could pull this off. I was given the name and number of Dr. Kim Kozuma who lives in Hilo and was ready and willing to participate in a clinic for us. Kim is a vet who works part time at Aloha Veterinary in Hilo and has participated in AdvoCATS clinics in Kona. Finding a location was more difficult. I thought the office of the First Church of Religious Science in Paradise Park would be perfect for a first clinic where we could do a smaller number of cats. I got permission from Reverend Tag Taggert and the location was set. The rest of the steps involved coordinating with AdvoCATS, Dr. Kozuma and the center for a date, notifying people of the clinic, and buying materials.
I really have to thank AdvoCATS for their expertise and assistance. Roberta sent all the written material so we had a guide to follow; they donated some of the surgical materials that have to be purchased in Waimea, and they let us use their surgical instruments. Dr. Seeske of Kilauea Veterinary donated the anesthesia drugs, Advantage, eye ointment, IV solution and lines, needles, and other things needed as well. And last of all, thank you to all of the volunteers who donated their time and skills. The atmosphere at the clinic was relaxed and congenial, and everyone was there to participate and to learn. I was impressed with everyone’s willingness to step in and learn how to clean ears, give IV fluids, check for microchips, and even take care of Dr. Kozuma’s baby girl! Thank you also to Renee, Dene (vet technicians) and Hugh (RN) for their expertise.
I see this as a great beginning. Together we will continue to make a difference in reducing the population of feral and stray cats on the East side!
Mahalo To All For Successful Spay-Neuter Clinic by Frannie Pueo
A dream became a reality with Sandi Alstrand's free Spay & Neuter Clinic, the very first here on the Puna side, kicking off October Feral Cat Month, and saving lives by supporting Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage.
I want to thank Sandi for inviting me, along with HPH, to participate, and for making this clinic possible by coordinating with Dr. Kim Kozuma, who contributed her time and skills, and Reverend “Tag,” who allowed the clinic to be at his church office.
Mahalo goes to all those volunteers who made Sandi's clinic a reality. It was their commitment of time and/or supplies that made this clinic flow with ease & harmony, and made it so successful. The 15 feline patients (eight females and seven males) all did just fine. If I have missed your name from this list, please let me know.
Mahalo to Dr. Seeske who contributed the anesthesia and other supplies, and to Kona AdvoCATS who loaned us their surgery/instrument S/N packets. Also from Kona AdvoCATS, Jan Abbott & Bee Henderson came with their expertise and clinic organization skills, which made our jobs so much easier.
Mahalo continues to volunteers Larry and Vivian Toellner, Linda Schock, Judy Bird, Rosemary Karlsson, Dene Rawlings, Renee Katada, Teresa Ruiz, Hugh Forehead, Vikki Stenlake, Denis Alstrand, D. Gilmore, Coleen Egbert, and, of course, to Dr. Kozuma and her children Jade, and baby Emma. Without each person there, this clinic could not have been so successful.
God bless you all for your caring hearts, and for being part of this mighty first Spay & Neuter Clinic here in Puna. Your actions spoke volumes in commitment to the animals, showing the need for better treatment of animals in a community that is starting to question the endless and senseless roundup of healthy animals for killing, that change is necessary, and that change is to implement T-N-R-M for cat colonies. Free Spay & Neuter Clinics save animal’s lives!
Frannie Pueo is president of Hui Pono Holoholona.
more photos
in web gallery
Support October 16 as National Cat Feral Day with TNRM by Frannie Pueo
October 16 is National Cat Feral Day – please support a Trap – Neuter – Return – Manage program (TNRM) in your neighborhood. TNRM is effective in reducing the number of unwanted births. Colony management is humane and compassionate, with built-in natural rat control. TNRM does not decrease bird and wildlife populations (true causes are habitat loss, pollution, pesticides, drought, and volcanic conditions), but does reduce taxpayer dollars spent on animal intake, housing, handling, feeding, killing and body disposal. Supporting TNRM changes our society from kill to care.
It’s not the animal’s fault that they became feral, abandoned, or strayed. The ownership of this belongs to all of us humans. We are supposed to be more intelligent and caring, with access to research data, and guardians of this earth. Over the years, sadly their bodies lay in our landfills by the hundred thousands, healthy animals who, through no fault of their own, were killed because there were not enough homes for them. Our community lacks a truly affordable spay & neuter program for all and currently does not embrace TNRM programs.
Did you know that you have no voice to express your concerns about HIHS to an independently hired advocate for the animals or ombudsman. Did you know there is no holding time for cats, which means that your lost cat could be euthanized before it could be claimed? Did you know that kittens under 2 pounds are automatically euthanized. Did you know what the animal numbers are at HIHS? You should, because it’s your two million plus tax dollars that is being used by HIHS. It’s the biggest county budget and you should have a say, particularly since the ongoing kill numbers range between 60 and 80 percent. This is the only business that I am aware of that arbitrarily kills most of its clients. The numbers below are outrageous, and unacceptable, so please speak up!
No need for rocket science here, we need a better and truly affordable Spay & Neuter program open, without restrictions, to all. One way to save taxpayer monies, Veterinarian Statue 471 allows sponsorship, which means a mainland veterinarian (under a Hawaii State licensed veterinarian) could come here on vacation, perform free spay and neuter clinics, and write off part of their vacation as a business trip. It could be a real win-win situation for the animals and for our community.
National Cat Feral Day is October 16, and Hui Pono Holoholona asks you to re-think the killing and begin saving lives. It’s no paradise for dogs and cats here on this island, but through education and better spay & neuter programs, we can make a difference. Data shows animal overpopulation leads to animal abuse, and a strong correlation between animal abuse and women/child/elder abuse. Mahatma Gandhi said it the best, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by how its animals are treated.”
Let us reclaim our paradise, for the animals, and for ourselves.
P.O. Box 943
Mountain View, HI 96771
Kindness is Contagious
Got a kid you can't take care of?
Or a lamb? Barbara Heavens is willing to take in any goats or sheep orphans/newborns and bottle feed them OR show someone how to care for them. Call 968-0814.
Beautiful adult female torti, dumped at Kea'au Recycle Station and rescued last week. She is a happy, social cat who gets along well with other cats and people. She would be good in a multi-pet household. She has been tested and is in good health. Call 959-4534.
Hui Pono Holoholona
Volume 1, Issue 4
November 2008
In this issue:
~ Thanking Vivian Toellner for getting HPH on the list for “Give Aloha” with Sack N Save. We have not received a total amount yet from SNS, but that tally should be in by the next Punahele newsletter. Letters of mahalo will be written to the management of the Puainako Shopping Center for allowing us to stand outside of SnS.
~ The HPH folders still being made to be placed in each of the Hilo veterinarians’ offices. It will be part of their magazine rack. The folders will contain all Punahele newsletters, HIHS yearly stats, and pictures of our events, including of animals that need adoption.
~ October 16, is National Feral Cat Day, and HPH recognizes it by saving animals’ lives by supporting TNR-M. Bookmarker size information paperwork on this is being placed at each veterinarians’ office.
~ On our last HPH meeting, Judy suggested that we needed to get the word out about animal abuse. Frannie purchased a banner that should be ready by this Monday. Frannie will be standing with it along the freeway easements, to support October 16, National Feral Cat Day and TNR-M.
~ Our Wal-Mart Day again was successful, thanks to Vivian, Dede, Linda, Amber, Lei, and Frannie, and our yard sale yesterday again was a success – thanking Linda, Dene, Rosemary, Colleen, Corrine, Larry, Vivian, Judy R., Penny, and Frannie.
~ Mahalograms to be written to Dr. Kozuma, and to Dr. Seeske. Linda Schoch working on this.
~ We have been invited again and have entered in the 2008 December Christmas Tree Contest at the Mauna Lani Hotel.
~ Linda Schoch will be doing research on various states’ laws concerning puppy mills, possibly to put together a bill for an act for this coming year legislation. Anyone interested in being part of this, please contact her. A reminder, as a 501, we cannot become political, but as individuals, we can stand up for animal fair treatment and rights.
~ With this November, county council should be getting in their contingency monies, so we can write for grant monies.
~ Spay & Neuter Clinics for Puna on a regular basis? This is a must. On the next HPH meeting, report will be made about the possibility of bringing in mainland veterinarians to team up with local veterinarians so we can expand the way Kona AdvoCATS has.
~ In the Hawaii Tribune-Herald, October 5, 2008, on page 3, an ad with 2 pictures of the cat that HPH rescued was taken out with hopes to locate its ownerThis lovely animal is sweet and would make a good companion. Please call Frannie if you are interested in adopting her.
Customer Donations
Sack N Save Donation
Western Union Donation
That's 26% in matching funds. Many thanks to everyone who donated both $ and time, but especially to Vivian Toellner who put the whole program together, used her own funds for a banner to hang in the downtown Sack N Save, and spent countless hours in front of the store, encouraging shoppers to donate to our cause. Mahalo Vivian!
Aloha everyone. As you all know from the recent newspaper articles about Hui Pono Holoholona and the Kea’au Transfer Station, the resident felines were in jeopardy of being rounded up and killed. This was going to be happening at all the Transfer Stations after November 15, 2008.
For the last year, we tried very hard to educate via information material, and demonstrate to the Mayor and Department of Environmental Management how successful we had been with our Trap/Neuter/Return-Manage program at the Kea’au Transfer Station. It seemed, though, to have fallen on deaf ears.
In any event, there are so many people to thank, and many more, unknown by name, that made calls to their County Councilperson, Mayor, and Newspaper. So if I have missed recognizing you, please, in my heart I am forever grateful to you all. We (you and I) as guardians for the homeless animals, came together in unity under one cause, and became their voice to plead for their lives.
Mahalo goes to Linden Whitfield who wrote a letter to the editor of Hawaii Tribune-Herald, which, although too long to publish, provoked a call from their reporter, Terrie Henderson. From that, we were interviewed, and were able to show and tell how successful we were with our Kea’au TNR-M program. To Debbie Cravatta, incredible individual with her no-nonsense, “bulldog” determination and perseverance, together with Bee Henderson, arranging a meeting with Bobby Jean and others, and successfully changing their minds toaccept TNR-M principles as a viable solution, rather than round-up kills. Mahalo also to Cathy Goeggel from Oahu, and her animal rights organization, and to Ginger Towle. Again, to any of you I may have missed, please accept my sincere and grateful mahalo.
This is the year of the Rat in the Chinese calendar, and for animal guardians and feeders, it has been a victory for all our homeless felines in Trap/Neuter/Return-Manage Programs. But, never, never give up, always be on alert for those who prefer to kill than save a life, be diligent, be knowledgeable with “The Vacuum Effect,” and always speak up for the animals as they only have your voice to save their lives. As a victory for all, Hawai’i has finally been dragged into the 21st Century, by acknowledging that Trap/Neuter/Return-Manage programs are practiced worldwide, and it certainly should be practiced here as well as it is a scientifically proven solution for homeless felines.
We also learned a very valuable lesson: If we stand alone we fail, if we combine in unity, supporting each other with our commitment, strength, and determination for better treatment for animals, it then becomes win-win for all, for the animals and for the community.
Hui Pono Holoholona is on a continued course to educate our community that the ideology of round-up kills are more costly and don’t work. Instead, save a life via T/N/R-M programs, and make available low-cost or free animal sterilization for all. With that, animal overpopulation and animal abandonment would no longer be a problem.
I leave you with this – “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead (1901-1978)
Always with aloha,
frannie pueo
The volunteer cat feeders at Kea’au Transfer Station need some help. We take turns feeding so there is someone feeding every day. Right now (November), however, we are short 3 people. Would you be interested in being a volunteer feeder? We can show you how. It can be temporary or permanent. We also give the cats drinking water, which you can bring from home or get from the water spigots at the front of the transfer station. It's all for the cats.
We need help with the cost of food also, be it dry or canned. Although we are given dry food, our donors run short sometimes. How much food is needed? One person feeding once a day for a month (4 weeks) will use about two 18-pound bags of dry food. Recently, an 18-pound bag of Friskies was $11.59 at KTA. Purina Cat Chow runs from about $10 on sale to $13. All brands are fine. A month's supply runs about $20 to $27 for dry food. Canned food is optional and not included in these costs.
Give us a call, either Frances Pueo at 968-8279 or Colleen Egbert at 982-6112, or email.
We have entered again in “Charity Trees at Mauna Lani,”, at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel. Your vote/donation toward HPH tree will help in winning the big prize of $3,000. Last year we came in 2nd for the $2,000 prize. That money helped a lot of animals.
If you have a Christmas ornament, or a picture of your pet or other animal that you would like to place on HPH tree, please mail it to us. Include the name of animal, and short description. Last year, we had pictures of all our successful rescues, T/N/R-M colonies, pets, and will do so again. More info will be coming, or call Frannie at 968-8279.
Note – donated pictures/ornaments will not be returned.
QUICK FELINE EGGFESTSubmitted by Colleen Egbert
Here is a cat food recipe from Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, by Dr. Richard H. Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D. and Susan Hubble Pitcairn, published 1995. This is one of the fast and fresh recipes for cats. "These recipes are not intended for regular use, but they do provide a fairly complete meal using items you probably have on hand. You may also use these recipes occasionally for dogs that don't require a low-protein diet. In fact, all these mixtures are higher in protein than necessary for either dogs or cats, but they won't complain. This mix is among the simplest I know and is a very natural food for small predator types of cats. It is high in protein, vitamin A and iron as well as B vitamins.
2 eggs
1/3 teaspoon bone meal
3/4 teaspoon nutritional yeast
Use a fork to mix the egg yolks and whites, stirring in the bone meal at the same time. Sprinkle the [nutritional] yeast on top and serve raw. Or, if you prefer, you may scramble this egg mix lightly [let cool before serving.
Yield: One meal, or about half a day's rations for a 10-pound cat (or dog), with about 170 kilocalories. A smaller cat might eat just one egg."
We're updating our files. If you have signed up to receive information from HPH, we will be calling to see if you are interested in any of our volunteer projects. If you don't want to be contacted and are only interested in receiving the newsletter, nothing else, let us know now, or tell us when we call (and we'll never call again). We should have done it sooner, but now we know what we must do, and are separating our contact/mailing list into those who want to know absolutely everything, only want the newsletter, only email or only snail-mail, no phone calls, etc. So bear with us and we'll have it all organized in no time. Meanwhile, see website for upcoming projects. Mahalo for your patience
Hui Pono Holoholona members Vivian Toellner, Colleen Egbert, Judy Bird, and Sydney Shiigi spread the word about the benefits of spay and neuter for dogs and cats, and networked with people at the Hawaiian Paradise Park (HPP) monthly swap meet on Saturday, November 8th. Vivian brought our t-shirts, catnip toys and other crafts to sell. Sydney brought books, a DVD player, and clothes to sell. Altogether we cleared $92 from sales and donations, which is enough for one female cat spay. We enjoyed our day there, chatting with visitors and the other vendors. We might do it again, also thinking about Leilani Community Center (free). HPP was just a good, friendly atmosphere. We got a volunteer and a couple donations. We needed more display space, a third table. Instead, we used four of our five chairs (tables $6 each).
The next day, 11/9, at Walmart, with volunteers Linda S, Viv, Sydney, Lei-Aloha and Grandfather, lots of good connections with animal-caring people, plus sales and donations totaling$183.50.
We have two betrayed-domestic kitties, recently rescued from Kea'au Transfer Station. Both are friendly, but frightened and bewildered by what has happened to them. We're calling the orange and white Sonny, no name for the orange tabby yet. Both these precious little ones need loving forever homes where they can relax and forget about being tossed away at the dump.
Remember 'Opala 'Ilio, the sad puppy from the September newsletter, the one that was dumped at the transfer station? Well, the man who rescued that puppy, Charlie, did not want another dog, He already enjoys lots of cats, two adult dogs, and plenty of feral chickens. On the day he rescued this puppy, he did take it to HIHS to see if someone had placed a lost notice. Finding none, he decided to take the pup home, still not sure if he would keep it. Once home, the puppy became part of his family. Charlie named the puppy "Lucky", because this pup is very lucky to have been rescued by an animal-loving person. Now Lucky is doing puppy things, and fully enjoying his new home.
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